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1 Responsible finance The practice of responsible finance within Societe Generale is based on: ■■environmental and social (E&S) commitments that serve as a normative framework in the exercise of banking business lines, particularly institutional commitments (Global Compact, Equator Principles, Wolfsberg Principles, etc.), Code of Conduct, E&S General Guidelines, Sectoral Policies, roll-out the E&S principles throughout the business lines, etc.; ■■the implementation of these commitments in all of the Group’s activities in all countries where it is established through the consideration of E&S criteria in financial products and services, positive impact financing, green finance, responsible credit, Socially Responsible Investment, etc.; ■■relationships of collaboration with stakeholders whose expectations are taken into account in the Group’s policy. 1.1 Environmental and Social Commitments E&S General Guidelines In 2011, Societe Generale defined Environmental and Social General Guidelines to apply to all of its activities. SectorIal and Cros-Sectorial E&S Policies See box shown. Rol-out the E&S principles throughout the busines lines The Group ensures sustainable and responsible professional practices in all of its activities through the definition of E&S General Guidelines, the development of Sectorial/Cross-sectorial Policies, the establishment of E&S procedures within the Group, and the Positive Impact Business approach. Equator Principles By adopting the Equator Principles since 2007, Societe Generale has made the commitment to incorporate E&S criteria into the Group’s financing activities within the scope of the Equator Principles. 1.2 Loyalty of practices and financial transparency The Societe Generale group has put in place a system to fight money laundering and corruption in accordance with its commitments to the Global Compact and the Wolfsberg Principles. The 2011 instruction reinforces control, monitoring, and training in the operational entities. Audit engagements were conducted in 2012 on the topic of corruption prevention. As part of the fight against corruption and financial transparency, the Group has imposed strict rules since 2003 that prevent it from being present in countries identified in non-cooperative tax havens identified by the OECD. 10 TEN SENSITIVE IDENTIFIED SECTORS Ten identified sectors for which sectoral and cross-functional E&S policies have been approved by the Executive Committee and applied in all of the Group’s activities*. 2011 SectorIal Policies ■■Mining and Metals ■■Defence ■■Coal-Fired Power Plants ■■Oil and Gas ■■Shipping 2012 SectorIal Policies ■■Dams and Hydropower ■■Civil Nuclear ■■Palm Oil ■■Forestry and forest ■■Biodiversity cross-sectorial policy 2013 – 2015 ■■Continuous improvement of existing sectoral and cross-sectoral policies ■■Establishment of new sectoral and cross- sectoral policies *Verified by Ernst & Young

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