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Group environmental performance fedback table 64 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION Units Rosbank include Excluding Rosbank Ref. year 2012 2012 2011 2010 2007 General policy regarding the environment Total number of employees of the Group - 154,009 137,474 139,896 139,065 134,738 Total number of occupants counted in the reporting - 147,629 142,889 146,672 143,154 118,183 Coverage of the collection scope (1) % 92% 99.7% 99% 97% 76% Total area counted m² 4,043,268 3,921,639 3,908,465 3,815,373 3,499,265 Pollution and waste management Waste Tonnes 15,703 15,703 14,145 - - Coverage (1) (2) (3) % 62% 70% 74% - - of which, recycled waste tonnes 4,237 4,237 4,201 - - recycled waste as% % 27% 27% 30% - - Business travel M of Km 390 381 488 463 455 Coverage (1) % 98% 98% 97% 91% 78% Business travel per occupant Km 2,483 2,715 3,412 3,395 3,853 air M of Km 167 159 273 248 288 train M of Km 41 40 43 39 33 car M of Km 182 182 172 176 134 Sustainable use of resources Water consumption M of m3 1.64 1.55 1.58 1.50 1.56 Coverage(1) (3) % 69% 74% 74% 73% 50% Total paper consumption(4) Tonnes 15,066 14,842 - - - Coverage(1) % 91% 98% - - - Paper consumption per occupant Kg 103.2 105.1 - - - Office paper consumption Tonnes 7,483 7,279 7,742 7,960 7,621 Coverage(1) % 89% 96% 98% 97% 84% Office paper consumption per occupant Kg 52.5 52.8 53.6 55.8 61.2 of which, recycled office paper Tonnes 2,910 2,910 2,919 3,050 1,158 of which, recycled office paper % 39% 40% 38% 38% 15% Total energy consumption GWh 873 847 875 859 764 Coverage(1) % 90% 98% 98% 94% 75% Total consumption per occupant KWh 6,002 6,021 6,025 6,121 6,781 Total consumption per m² KWh 218 218 225 227 227 Total electricity consumption GWh 653 627 651 644 524 Electricity consumption per occupant KWh 4,486 4,454 4,483 4,591 4,647 Consumption of electricity from renewable sources % 29% 30% 29% 24% 11% Production of electricity from renewable sources MWh 434 434 303 144 0 Energy consumption of datacenters(5) GWh 213 213 - - - Climate Change (scope of emissions expanded in 2012) GHG emissions(6) (7) Tonnes 319,961 302,138 298,562 298,618 270,529 Coverage(1) % 89% 96% 99% 95% 76% GHG emissions per occupant Tonnes 2.25 2.21 2.06 2.14 2.36 GHG emissions avoided(8) Tonnes 32,736 32,736 32,574 20,873 4,797 GHG per m² (energy only) Kg 59.3 56.9 57.8 58.8 56.5 SCOPE 1(9) Tonnes 31,762 31,762 31,630 28,115 35,317 SCOPE 2(10) Tonnes 205,870 189,431 192,634 194,317 159,333 SCOPE 3(11) Tonnes 82,328 80,945 74,298 76,186 75,879 (1) Coverage represents the entities having contributed to the data in proportion to their staff (FTE - Full-time equivalent). (2) Rosbank has not reported waste data. (3) For water and waste data, a branch reporting rate (excluding the Societe Generale France network) of 65% weights the scope’s coverage rate. (4) Includes office paper, documents intended for customers, envelopes, account statements, and other types of paper. (5) Includes own datacenters hosted in France. Only the energy consumption of own datacenters is included in total electricity. (6) Greenhouse gas (GHG). (7) For 2012, the scope of GHG emissions was expanded to fluorinated gases, merchandise transport, and all paper and to scopes 1 and 2 of suppliers of IT centres. For comparison with previous years, excluding this expansion, total GHG emissions is 279,051 tonnes of CO2 equivalent and 1.99 teCO2 per occupant. (8) CO2 emissions avoided thanks to the production and consumption of electricity from renewable sources. (9) Includes direct emissions related to energy consumption, and for 2012 the scope is expanded to fluorinated gases for the central departments. (10) Includes indirect emissions related to energy consumption. (11) Includes GHG emissions from the consumption of office paper and business travel, and for 2012, the scope is expanded to all paper, merchandise transport for the France scope, and energy consumption of datacenters hosted in France.

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