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Corporate Social Responsibility societe generale group 2013 Solidarity banking offer Sustainable Development loans and passboks Sustainable Development Passbok The replacement of the CODEVI saw its cap increase from EUR 4,600 to EUR 6,000 in 2007 and to EUR 12,000 since October 2012. The interest rate since January 2013 is 1.75%. Around 62% of the funds raised in 2012 funded investments of micro, small, and medium-sized companies, particularly for their creation and their development, as well as energy-saving work in older buildings; the remaining 38% was placed with the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC). Sustainable development loans Two types of loans exist based on the amount of work funded: ■■“Prêt Expresso Développement Durable”; ■■“Prêt Développement Durable”. They are used to fund equipment and work generating energy savings in homes completed more than two years ago. The benefits for customers are: ■■an advantageous rate (discounted in relation to the standard rate for home loans), determined when the loan is taken out and valid for the entire term of the loan; ■■all work financed with a “Prêt Développement Durable” loan is eligible for the Sustainable Development Tax Credit. In 2012, 914 loans were granted for EUR 10.67 million, i.e., since 2007, 11,387 loans granted for a total amount of EUR 141.47 million*. Eco interest-fre loan Societe Generale introduced its eco interest-free loan in June 2009. Under the terms of the loan, individual customers can borrow up to EUR 30,000 over a period of 10 years to finance work to allow for energy savings in their homes (borrower’s primary residence or rental residence). For 2012, 1,576 eco interest-free loans were granted for an amount equivalent to EUR 27.06 million, or 11,596 loans for an overall amount of EUR 197.33 million since the beginning*. Partnership with Chèques Travaux: encouraging customers to invest in the energy renovation of their homes In 2012, a Regional Division of Societe Generale in France was chosen to test a system with the company Chèques Travaux. Management put its customers into contact with the company, allowing them to earn a cheque once they completed certain eligible work, thanks to the mechanism of energy savings certificates. In 2013, the system was extended to the entire Group. Societe Generale is the first bank to offer such a system to its individual customers. 37 *Verified by Ernst & Young Guillaume Loulière, Head of loans and insurance of the France Network tells us… My bank as a partner in my green projects Societe Generale has committed to a vast action plan for establishing incentives for individuals, aiming to reduce energy bills: ■■distribute the entire range of “green” regulated loans offered by public authorities: the Eco Interest-Free Loan and the Sustainable Development Loan; ■■simplify these often complex regulatory schemes through dialogue with stakeholders (public authorities, building professionals, trade unions); ■■go beyond the regulations by offering our customers preferential rates for reducing CO2 emissions: a “clean car” preferential scale; ■■test innovative methods for home energy renovation: see the offer with Chèque Travaux at We are convinced that Societe Generale can be the preferred partner for its customers for their green projects. Also we give special attention to innovations in this area and potential partnerships.

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