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Mesage FROM GENERAL MANAGEMENT Corporate Social Responsibility societe generale group 2013 CSR, creation of value over the long term Corporate responsibility in all of its aspects – be it economic, social, societal or environmental – has been an integral part of our profession as bankers for many years now. Being a responsible bank also means carefully managing the Environmental and Social impact of our own consumptions and our products and services. Wherever possible, we will continue to strive to reduce the Group’s ecological footprint and to promote social inclusion, as much through our purchasing, our policies as an employer and our sponsorship, as through our financial solidarity service offer that is adapted to the needs of our most vulnerable customers. 3 Frédéric Oudéa - Chief Executive Officer Séverin Cabannes - Deputy Chief Executive Officer We are aware of our responsibility to serve the economy and promote development, and we incorporate sustainable development considerations both into our long-term strategy and into the day-to-day operation of our banking business. We have undertaken commitments, trained our staff and implemented internal systems designed to include social, societal and environmental criteria in our various activities, everywhere the Group is present. We are determined to be a benchmark in the industry, particularly for our customers, by rallying all our employees around sustainable development. Sustainable development has become a key issue for the world and for us as well. We are committed to making continuous improvements, drawing on best practices in the banking profession and in other sectors of the economy.

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