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■■Participation in OECD stakeholder consultation days in examining the convergence of E&S policies recommended by the OECD for export credit agencies and the World Bank/IFC for banks applying the Equator Principles. ■■Regarding Human Rights, corruption, financial transparency, and tax havens, Societe Generale has organised interviews with NGOs in order to listen to the specific areas of concern and has responded to questionnaires, recalling that the Group is not present in European and French non-cooperative countries as defined by the OECD. ■■Organisation of an internal presentation with CRESUS (Regional chambers of social over-indebtedness) as part of the partnership with individual customer loan managers on the prevention of over-indebtedness and support for people in hardship. ISO 26000 evaluation The Group also has many partnerships with associations. Within the Group, two entities, CGI-CGL and ALD France, initiated in 2012 an ISO 26000 evaluation process with the association AFNOR Certification, thus positioning itself among the first French companies to embark on external certification of their societal approach. In a continuous improvement approach, the subsidiary specialising in financing and insurance and the long-term automobile leasing subsidiary obtained scores of 476/1,000 and 402/1,000 respectively and have been classified in the “progress” level. Relations with other stakeholders (supervisors/regulators/suppliers, etc.) Initiatives with suppliers: special relations with SMEs For years, Societe Generale has made the commitment to establish a progress approach with regard to its suppliers and particularly small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). Concrete actions have been initiated for two years. Among four distinguished companies, Societe Generale is the only banking institution to gain access to this certification. It certifies the commitments made by the bank within the framework of the Inter-company Relations Charter. In 2012, the Group participated in a supplier survey on the quality of SME-major account relations (in collaboration with SME Pact). Societe Generale was ranked second major account in terms of supplier relations by the questioned SMEs. In 2007, Societe Generale had already signed the SME Pact, which aims to facilitate access of French innovative SMEs to the major account markets. Since then, the bank has continued to reinforce this commitment to the board of directors of SME Pact, where its participation in working groups and commissions makes it an active, responsible partner. Towards regulators and supervisors: monitoring, exchanges, and cordination In 2012, Societe Generale reinforced the coordination and its contribution to the treatment of regulatory topics with the banking and financial supervisory authorities, particularly through consultations organised by the authorities for this purpose. 20 ISO 26000 Progress approach In 2012, the Group’s specialised subsidiaries, CGI-CGL and ALD France, initiated an ISO 26000 evaluation process with the association AFNOR Certification “Responsible Supplier Relations” seal of approval At the end of 2012, Societe Generale received this seal of approval from Médiation Interentreprises (Inter-Company Mediation)

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