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Societe Generale Club offers TOUR OF THE SOCIETE GENERALE COLLECTION SOCIETE GENERALE TOWERS, LA DÉFENSE   SOCIETE GENERALE VINEYARDS CLOS LA MADELEINE, SAINT-ÉMILION 16 September 2014 at 11:30 a.m. RESERVATIONS OPEN ON Monday, 30 June, at 9:00 a.m., exclusively through the MY Shareholder Area. Discover the top ranked vintages by visiting Clos la Madeleine in Saint-Émilion. Wine tasting included. 4 September 2014 at 3:00 p.m. and 4:15 p.m. RESERVATIONS OPEN ON Wednesday, 9 July at 9:00 a.m., exclusively through the MY Shareholder Area. “Invitations to Travel” (8 April to 19 December 2014). Hosted by Guy Boyer, curator of the exhibition. This unique installation was created as part of the 150th anniversary celebrations of the Societe Generale Group. We offer you this one-hour tour to discover 15 major works. 12 | LETTER TO SHAREHOLDERS_2014 Presentation SOCIETE GENERALE HISTORY SOCIETE GENERALE TOWERS, LA DÉFENSE 8 September 2014 at 3:30 p.m. RESERVATIONS OPEN ON Wednesday, 9 July at 9:00 a.m., exclusively through the MY Shareholder Area. The story of a bank that has remained true to itself while continually reinventing itself for the changing needs of its time. Lecture given by Farid Ameur, historian. 150 YEARS OF HISTORY, A COMMEMORATIVE BOXED SET RESERVATIONS OPEN ON Wednesday, 9 July, at 9:00 a.m., exclusively through the MY Shareholder Area, in order to receive this boxed set in September (subject to availability). From the opening of our first branch in London and the Bonnot gang robberies, to the creation of General Inspection and the first ATM: there are so many stories and anecdotes to discover in nine thematic booklets written by young historians. Registration for 100% e-booking events is carried out exclusively through the MY Shareholder Area on the website. Invitations to events presented here are valid for a maximum of two people per Club member and event, subject to availability. Since the number of spaces for each event is limited, please let us know if you intend to cancel so other Club members can participate. SOCIETE GENERALE. French limited company, capital stock as of 31 March 2014: €1,000,024,292.50 - REGISTERED OFFICE: 29, bd Haussmann, 75009 PARIS - 552 120 222 RCS Paris. Group Communication Division, Tours Societe Generale 75886 Paris Cedex 18 - HEAD OF PUBLISHING: Caroline Guillaumin. CREATION AND PRODUCTION: Studio Societe Generale – Legal submission date: June 2013 – ISSN: 1258-8679 – Printer: Galiote-Prenant – 94400 VITRY SUR SEINE. Under Act No° 78-17 on information technology, data files and civil liberties, your right to access, correct and dispute information in our files may be exercised by contacting our Individual Shareholder Relations department. © Photos: A. Chauvaud, J. Magre, P. Bauduin, Societe Generale. 170284 Tour PALAIS BRONGNIART 28 PLACE DE LA BOURSE, 75002 PARIS 18 September 2014 at 2:00 p.m. RESERVATIONS OPEN ON Wednesday, 9 July at 9:00 a.m., exclusively through the MY Shareholder Area. Through this tour, we invite you to relive some of the finest hours of the Paris Bourse. From open outcry trading by stockbrokers in the Brongniart trading room (1826-1987) to nanosecond trading by robotic traders in the 2000s. THE SOCIETE GENERALE CLUB Wine tasting

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